Why Teach?

Supporting you in becoming the best teacher you can be!

  • Partner schools across Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Shropshire
  • Comprehensive training and support programme
  • Fantastic rates of employment
  • Receive a tax free bursary for some subjects

Inspire the next generation

Becoming a teacher is extremely rewarding. As a teacher, you are shaping the next generation through their learning and education. Seeing them grow and achieve their goals sends you home with a sense of pride everyday!

A passion for the subject

Having a career in teaching allows you to share your passion with others, providing students with the opportunity to learn more about your specialist subject and become enthused by it with you!

Salary benefits

A career in teaching provides generous financial packages with good pay progression.

Be a lifelong learner

When it comes to teaching, the saying "you learn something new every day" fits right at home. Children are inquisitive and will often ask questions you may never have thought of, encouraging you to learn with your students every day.

A clear career path

Becoming a teacher doesn't limit your growth, it encourages it! As you build experience, you can move up the clear teaching pathways.